Tuesday 3 October 2017

Where does the time go???

Cue another random blog post!

But really where does the time go?!?!

I seriously thought having time off work I would be bored, how would I fill the time?? What would I do?? Maybe I could even do some productive things, like tidy those cupboards that need sorting, get the old Annie Sloan paint out and paint some furniture Ive been meaning to do for a while, or even get the camera out and start a photography project. But nope!! Its not quite like that! I've been so lethargic, and its taking me so long to do something, that the time is just disappearing, and Im getting distracted so easily, going on social media, and generally just pondering!

So today for instance, I woke at 7 to take my buserelin, then back to bed and woke again at 9, I then spent the next hour on my phone looking at social media. Got up made some porridge, then watched some random videos on You Tube, had a shower and hung out the washing, it was now 1130!!

At 1215, I did however then do something very different, quite productive and actually somewhat therapeutic, I took part in a podcast with Natalie aka @fertilitypoddy http://www.thefertilitypodcast.com I strongly urge anyone going through infertility to check out Natalie very informative and helpful podcasts. Now I was quite taken aback when someone like Natalie is interested in hearing my story, let alone want to interview me for her podcast! I mean little ole me, really?!?! Well it happened!! And my God did I ramble....sorry Natalie!! But you know what, I think it is the first time I have told someone our infertility journey from start to now like that, and to realise that actually what we have been through isn't normal, it isn't fair, its shit! But instead of coming away feeling upset or angry, I actually feel a bit relieved, it was nice to just let it all out like that, to talk through it. And its got me thinking again about the whole counselling thing, it was offered once (as one free session), and to be honest its probably not just the concept of having to pay for it after, its also because Im afraid to talk, Im afraid to open up for fear of what might be let out, what gremlins might come out to haunt us/me, but actually after talking to Natalie, a stranger, but actually a nice stranger, I surprised myself at how easy it was to spill all that. Thats another reason why I've almost I suppose poo-pooed counselling, is because Im not a talker, you might find that surprising from reading these blogs and that I was OK to go on a podcast, but you see thats because this blog and the podcast is anonymous, and not many people who know me, know about it, so I can be real, I can be raw, with little fear of upsetting those close to me, or worrying what they might think. But you know what, maybe its time to consider counselling??? Before I change my mind again!! Natalie also encouraged me to review our clinic on the HFEA website, and inform them of our concerns, again something I really am now considering doing.

So anyway back again to my day, and where the time goes! Well the lovely chat with Natalie took about an hour, I then decided to do some lunch, now feeling a bit more upbeat and a little more energetic today I decided to cook some soup, a chicken and mushroom soup, now note to self, DO NOT liquidise chicken, it tasted nice, but the texture was gross, see below image, bleurghhhh........

My plan was then to do some meal prep this afternoon, as its a day today where I have some energy, I have come to the realisation that I need to use it when I have it, so was planning on cooking up some soups from Emma Cannons book 'Fertile' but after cooking the soup, eating it, getting engrossed in some more social media, doing the dishes it was then 1615, and I had an urge to blog, so here I am! And that's where my day has gone so far!

But I guess a day like today isn't so bad, its far nicer than the day I had on Sunday, wow I think that is one of my darkest days yet, certainly the darkest this cycle. I woke up and straight away felt sad, I had that burning feeling in my chest like I was about to cry, that same feeling I seem to have a lot at the min, whereas days like today I may get a glimmer of that feeling, I am able to swallow it, smile and bury it and move on, but days like Sunday I can't, I just couldn't. So I lay there and cried for about half an hour, then managed to pull myself together and get downstairs to D, he was busy studying and I hadn't thought he had noticed, but he had, and he just held me and I cried some more. I even went back to bed for a bit and cried, and slept a little, and again D came and held me and I cried some more. I was like that pretty much the whole day, I didn't get showered or dressed I just cried, I didn't even want to eat. However in the evening I managed to cook a roast (hence the left over chicken in the soup today!!) and have a bath, went to bed cried and slept and woke up in a far better mood. But I guess this is what life with infertility is like. Though it is all massively exacerbated at the minute of course, as I have so many drugs and hormones in my body, and I am scared to say it but I think I need to..........it is making me depressed...........I keep using words like emotional, and down, but actually its making me fucking depressed!!! And I heard once, break those words down.....and you get 'deep rest' so I guess thats where my time is going, Im in 'deep rest' I guess my mind and my body just both need to rest at the moment, and thats OK, my God did I just actually say that?!?! Its OK?!?! Fuck, most of my friends will be pretty surprised to hear me say and think that its actually 'OK' to rest, I am not a restful person, I work hard and play hard, but actually right now I need to accept that I need to rest, and also accept that I am depressed. Ive always felt weak and wrong to let myself ever admit that, to ever not be positive, to be negative, to be down/depressed, its not me, but you know what, things are out of my control at the moment, and I hate that, thats another issue of mine, I need to be in control, I even made a snazzy chart to keep track of all what I need to take.....

Haha!! I seriously need to let go!! But you know what, whatever helps, eh?!

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