Well there are a few updates to be had! Lots been going on! Most reasonably positive. Life has been very busy these past few months, a blessing and a curse. I really don't know where this year has gone! Its great in one way as theres been so much to think about other than the infertility shite! Some good, such as starting my new job, its been stressful, and have soooooo much responsibility, but I get to work from home a lot and have a really supportive lovely boss. The environment is much healthier too, much more professional and incredibly less toxic compared to my previous workplace. It has taken leaving my previous place to make me realise that in fact it wasn't me being too oversensitive at all, it was an awful place, a toxic environment and detrimental to my mental wellbeing! I didn't realise how unhappy I was and how much it was impacting on me until I left. Theres also lots been going on with my mum, she's had some ups and downs, and me and my sister now have an LPA for her, which means even more responsibility for us! So things have been busy, and like I said time has just flown by, but it makes me said that we're still no where close to having the family we so desire :( And really sad that I don't have the support of my mum or any parent for that matter.
So the title of this blog post.....well I went to see a homeopath! This came about due to me starting a PCOS diet. I have joined the PCOS diet support group and subscribed to their plan, I must do a review blog post on that soon! Im really not very good at doing blog posts, like I said life has been busy and really got in the way. But thats OK, as said in previous blog posts, Im not doing this for any other reason than to document my journey, help myself get thoughts and feelings out, and as an added bonus hopefully help others going through a similar experience. I have so many thoughts going through my head right now, so much I want to write about. I started to keep a note on my iPhone of things I wanted to blog about, mainly things which bother me on a particular day, such as people putting up their 'back to school' pics of their children. This particularly got to me this year, there are people my age that I went to school with putting up pics of their children starting secondary school! And I don't even have a baby yet! Also those just starting school, if we had conceived when we first started trying, that would have been me :( There are more things on my phone but thats in another room currently! So I will just continue with the title of this blogpost........
SO I started to say earlier before I got sidetracked, that I have joined the PCOS diet support group, its been really helpful. A few weeks ago I was feeling extremely fatigued, a few people suggested seeing a homeopath, so I did! I can't believe I have not done this before, I have tried EVERYTHING else!!! I mean EVERYTHING!!! Or so I thought I had but clearly not! Homeopathy is right up my street! I love anything alternative, I guess I am a bit of a hippy! We were there approx 2 hours, she was fantastic, really went into the history of everything, and for the first time ever explained everything to us! DH came too, which was fantastic. I love him for that and many other things soooooo much! I really am so lucky, to have someone who is so supportive, who listens and who is as equally interested as I am. So her theory is that I don't have 'true' PCOS, I certainly have it but she believes there is more going on and that it can be reversed. I have all the classic signs of a thyroid disorder, so she thinks that is having a big impact on my hormonal imbalances. My TSH is often low but it has never been low enough to treat, or when it has they repeat the bloods in a few weeks and it rises again. She has advised me to take Nascent Iodine, which I have just started, my God it tastes gross!!! She also thinks a lot of my issues is caused by my traumatic childhood, I started my periods late at 15 almost 16, before that childhood abuse was rife, and my Mum was in hospital having a severe mental breakdown and we had no contact with her. She talked about the primitive brain and how my body wouldn't let me have periods as it felt it wasn't safe, and how this is still programmed into my DNA, as I haven't dealt with it all properly. This made total sense! It was all very hard to hear and to discuss, I do hate talking about it all, I like to think of it in a box, a sealed box never to be opened. However life isn't quite like that, little tears appear in the box and a little bit seaps out every now and again. I hate how my parents destroyed my childhood, and now still are having such an impact on my adulthood! good news however is that she believes this can all be rectified, she has given me a list of supplements to take, and some 'remedies' for both me and DH. She also stated that the fact I had such awful reactions to the drugs each time wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it meant that I do have the correct hormones, they are just a little out of whack!
She also discussed our fertility clinic at great length, she really did not have good things to say about them, in particular the consultant. She hates him!!! I mean really hates him!!! She called him barbaric, and incompetent. She stated he had not had any up to date training since 1989!! The protocols he uses are very out of date and the treatments he has used on me with my issues have been very dangerous, she was disgusted that he let me go into OHSS. She strongly recommended we do not go back there. However it isn't quite that simple, there is no other clinic locally to us, and we are still entitled to 2 FETs on the NHS with this clinic. We have 15 frosties waiting there. She advised against even using them as they were a result of a OHSS cycle so felt that they would be highly unlikely to result in a pregnancy. She has recommended some other clinics, private ones which are minimum 2 hours from us, one in particular is Create fertility in Bristol, has anyone had any experience with them???
So we're at a little loss of what to do. We do have a planned appointment with our clinic tomorrow to discuss possible FET in Nov, Im quite reluctant to go with them now am a little scared to put my body through yet more drugs with them, which could then undo the good work the homeopath is doing. We are still going to go tomorrow and see what they have to say, and try and see if we can delay things a little more with them. There is an open day at Create in Oct so we are going to plan that, and also may even go to the Fertility fair in London in November.
So things are very up in the air at the moment! Fingers crossed I get some results from the homeopath!