Sunday, 1 July 2018

Can the Chiropractor fix my fertility as well as my back??

So the past few months have been up and down, but I can happily say mainly up! I think thats predominantly due to me starting my new job, I really underestimated how unhappy I was in my previous job, how awful and toxic the atmosphere there was, and how it impacted on my mental health. My new job is still stressful, but there is a very different atmosphere. I predominantly work from home, which I actually love! There are no office politics and I am free to manage my own time. The ethos of the whole company is very different, they fully support and respect their staff, my new manager is amazing too, very fair, lovely and doesn't take any shit! They seem to really see my worth too, which has really boosted my confidence, so much so they have encouraged me to go for a promotion, of which I have an interview for this week! I should currently be prepping, but I am the worlds biggest procrastinator so am blogging instead! Though blogging is helpful, almost helps with the preparation, as hopefully it will help free up some headspace to help me better concentrate. The very reason I started blogging in the first place was to be able to off load, something in which I am very bad at! You see I am an optimist, I hate negativity, and try to steer well clear of it, I am all for mindfulness, seizing the moment, reach for the stars, take a deep breath and inhale the beautiful sea air type person, which is wonderful, but sometimes not realistic, you see when you are this way, everyone expects you to always be this way, and when you aren't they just don't know what to do with you! And I don't know what to do with myself, I don't know how to open up, how to say I actually feel pretty crap, because thats not me, Im that person who listens to the other person feeling like that. And also being this way, means its a lot harder to fall, when reality hits and things get a bit shitty. Why am I like this??? Well fuck knows! My life certainly has not been all hearts and flowers, if you have read my previous blog posts you will know I have had a pretty terrible child hood, and have been dealt a few shitty cards in adult hood too! My life certainly is not perfect, but who's is??? There are people worse off than me!! See there I go again, thinking of others! But anyway I'd much rather be this way, yes things hurt sometimes, but they could be a lot worse, and whilst going through so much shit, really and truly fucking sucks, it does make you appreciate things more.

I am steering off track, but again if you have read my previous blogs, you know thats what I do!!! Haha! Another reason I think I have been happier these past few months is we are currently 'on a break' not 'on a break' in Ross and Rachel terms (Friends ref!!!! come on Friends is epic!!!) but on a break from treatment. And you know what, its so refreshing! It feels amazing! I never would have thought it would, Im not the most patient of people, and want things done yesterday, and always have a fear of running out of time, and getting too old, which is quite funny really, as my time management skills are pretty horrendous! Over the past almost 5 years now of TTC, Ive always been in a rush to start the next thing, the agonising wait between appointments and treatments, always felt like a lifetime, so I never would have thought that I would have chosen to have a 6 month break. Well tbh it sort of wasn't a choice, as the main reason is because Ive started my new job, so I really needed to give myself time to get to grips with it, and also it was the sensible option, as if the treatment did work and I did pregnant I wouldn't get any maternity pay until I have been with the company for 6 months, so taking a break made financial sense too. But it really has done wanders for my mental health, and physical health too, I have much more energy, I feel healthier, and its just been so nice to not constantly be thinking about infertility bullshit!

So moving on to the title of this blog post, the past few weeks I have been having worsening pain in my right hip, shoulder and ankle. Now I am someone with an incredibly high pain threshold, and often push through when others might not. I have suffered with these pains for years, but have never really got them fixed, I did have physio on my shoulder over a year ago with not much success, and the acupuncturist did help my shoulder but didn't resolve it, other than that Ive just got on with it, putting it down to my job, and old injuries I have gathered over the years. However the past few weeks it has become quite debilitating so I decided to try something new and see a chiropractor. Well it was really fascinating, the below picture shows my problem areas along with all the other parts of the body they effect....

Notice how many of the areas are relating to many of the areas of the body which have an impact on fertility! He stated that he is very confident that I will be pain free in about 3-4 weeks! This will then have a direct impact on the rest of my health, I will sleep better, feel less anxious, release less adrenaline, which will improve fertility. Also by correcting the problem areas, the nervous system connected to these areas will also improve! He stated that 9/10 women with menstrual irregularities regulate after being corrected through chiropractic practices! Pretty incredible eh?! Well lets hope this has some benefit for me, and is not yet again me 'blue sky thinking' and being too optimistic, heading yet again for another great fall!